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Am I dumb? I can't beat level 19.

Nevermind. :')

im stuck on the third level please help

Just made a TAS of this game! Any% in 34.890 (timing based on leaderboard run)

Right now im trying to make one for 100% but i dont know how to get it...

Your timing is insane! It surprises me every time how people do eventually speedrun any game with a timer in it even if it was never meant to be. To reach 100%, you need to collect all hidden stars. Each star adds 1% to the progress. Keep it up ;)

how do u do the press the button level

Have you ever heard about a device called a mouse?

i did but its not moving to the next level

Yes, mainly because I like making people suffer. 

jk. it's a puzzle game. If you get stuck for way too long, feel free to scroll down in the comments and watch someone figuring out the solution (painfully lol)

so i dont just have to click it with a mouse right

i love this game, a nice little lightweight game for my linux-turned Chromebook


Thanks for playing! 

This is somehow both the best and worst game I've ever played. 10/10

I think all it needs is a sequel, right? Thanks for playing <3



Well played!



I got a "0-minute" time! Now I need something like livesplit to get my exact time...

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That's really impressive. I didn't intend the game to be speedrun since, you know, it takes most player from 20 minutes ~ 2 hours to finish. However, it seems that many are actually interested in speedrunning the game as some levels are exceptionally hard to move in. One player even managed to do it in 39.xx seconds and started a leaderboard on . If I do update the game, I will make sure to use milliseconds for the timer for this and my other games. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Edit: It's actually 37.217 by Zuihy. Here is the link:

(1 edit) (+1)

I've seen it on! I've been practicing, hoping to beat them >:)

My current best is around 50-ish seconds, but thats with around 7 deaths, I suck at lvl 4


why cant i see the level number/ title, i know i need to use it for some levels

That might be a scaling issue. You try going fullscreen, manually resizing the browser windows to force the game to change resolution, or download the standalone version for windows or mac. Sorry for any bugs that might've occured. Have fun!


Where is it stuck? You can also try running it in incognito, or another browser.


Each remaining 1% is a hidden star (turn on the sound because some stars have no visual input, that's stupid I know).
Also, sometimes you need to think outside the box.


94% 12 min

amazing, i plan to torture my friends with this

I had the very same plan while making the game too haha


After 727 and almost an hour I finally beat it. It wasn't bad, but I hate you!!! >:D

I got to level 15 and figured out how to get out of the map, but from there going anywhere seems to do nothing.

Nevermind, the goal was just in a really specific spot.


Just to be sure, was it the level of "break the loop"? There is a known bug that causes the character to go out of the level which is not intended. I apologize if that has caused any more confusion than the actual level. I'm glad you could get past it though!


PLEASE HELP! I'm stuck on lvl 1! :(

Have you considered the possibility of using a mouse?

i've tried clicking on the button with the mouse and it does nothing. 


I can confirm that it *does* something. If you get stuck for so long, you might have a look at one of the videos in the comments below.

no waye


I need dark mode. my eyes hurt

I got you, mate! This will probably take some time, but here is a screenshot from the game I will be working on.


yay dark mode

I can't get lvl 1


pure hatred


But it was made with love, quite literally.

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but it only says 99%

I know :(

I'm still working on that last 1 percent, so I'll let you know when I finish

can i have some tips for level 11? Ive not seen the matrix ;-;

(1 edit)

Nvm, i just got it, for anyone who wants a tip on 11, sometimes just take a break. Pause your game and come back later

tips on level 9?


Deleted 1 year ago

How do you do number 4?

samee im stuck


well sometimes the key isn't the keyboard,  use your mouse silly


how do i get 100%? i got 99% is this a star or just a bug? 

You can get a 100% for sure. Someone posted a picture below in the comments if you are still not convinced. Have fun!

ye saw that :) thanks for the encouragement


So funny and difficult...busy collecting stars

Yes! Good luck getting the stars (without going insane!).

(1 edit) (+2)

I need to get a life.

Someone else do the deathless run.

Get a life also what do I do in level 4

You need to "hold on" ;)


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I found the level 1, 7, 12, 13, 17, and credits stars. where is the last star? may I have a clue?

Ill give you a hint, instead of going up on the trampoline lvl go down

Also could I get a hint on the star on lvl 17

Oops i meant 16 not 17. sorry.

99%... so confused where the last one is

make it so pressing pause doesn't deactivate fullscreen please

I can't do that for the web build. However, I think I mapped the button P to pause the game as well. If not, I will add it later.

what about a fullscreen button? so  i dont have to click pause again to re-activate it


any hint for level 1

Bro same I can't get it TwT

I did it it wouldn't let me move


hold button with mouse and go right

(1 edit)

99% complete. So close yet so far away.

Does the break room or tea room have a star?


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Hmm, so far I got the ones in these levels

0, 1, 7, 12, 13, 16, and 17.

In level 15, it is possible for the chick to fall off the level indefinitely without advancing to the next level. Not sure if its a bug or intentional.

Also greetings from Sudan!

That's a bug actually. As for the last star, it's hidden really really well. Well played for coming this far and Good luck finding the last.

Could you give me a hint on where it is on lvl 17


nice game to play when you feel life is too easy


Life is too hard


bring it on dude.


ok meet a central park at noon you brat


But I don't live in the USA so where we meeting


What a great puzzle game!


You need all the secret stars to beat the game at 100%. It's both a rage and a puzzle game depending on the player. Great video btw <3

Thank you! <3

help how do i restart the game?

You can reset the progress in the settings.

This game is really fun, but level 11 is very confusing, is there any obscure tips/hints you could give?

Ehhh... sure!
Hint: you can't win that level... literally!

How do I beat level 2? I feel like I have tried everything.

nvm, watched the video in the comments below

That's okay too

I spent an hour finding as many stars as I could. Please tell me there is a part two coming at some point

(1 edit)

It's possible to reach 100% by collecting all the stars. I don't have any plans to make part two for katkoot at the moment but I will definitely make another game with more insane puzzles some time in the future.

edit: also katkoot was indirectly a sequel to CYFTG (can you finish the game?) hence why you saw the (2) at the beginning. It's a mobile game I made years ago. You might give it a try if you are interested. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Hint: turn on the sound because some stars are hidden and only play sound when picked. (Bad design I know. I should have added some outline in the place of the picked stars or play some pick animation)

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I played through CYFTG, at the moment I am at 97% on both, I am going to have to master them at some point, youbhave definetly gotten batter at making the games less skill based and more puzzle based though because there are some levels in CYFTG that are pure skill based that took like 15 minutes to beat, while in katook all of the levels can be beaten with relatively little skill, as long as you know the tricks



Thanks for the vid ❤️❤️

I can't find the last star(s). So far I've found stars in these levels: 1st level, 12th level, 13th level and 16th level. Can you give me clues on where to find the last star(s)?

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At level 7 walk around a bit maybe backwards.

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Can you give me clues on where it is on lvl 12 and 16

Also there in one in the credits


Thanks for the clue! I'm sorry for making you wait, I forgot that I made this comment so I didn't check if I got any replies. On level 12, try to jump on top of the text. On level 16, don't go up, try to go down the floor.

Thanks for the hints.



That must have been tough...

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