Since there's no roof to the level (as evidenced in the image), I'm pretty sure you can climb forever, and since you can move sideways (as evidenced by other image), I'm pretty sure you can get around the walls in the levels that have them, along with the killboxes in every level, though doing it blind would be pretty tricky.
Fun little game. I'm not going to post my time, because it's pretty embarrassing, but I did manage to finish. I just seemed to always pause at the wrong moment :)
That's totally fine. I must admit that timing in the game could use some improvements, so it's partially my fault. I think the reason why it's this way is because I have played the game a lot to test and became so good at the current controls, gravity, speed, etc...
I'm sorry I only played for a few minutes while passing by, because I thought the art was cute! Though, I just had to comment to ask you this : you do know that ducks have 2 legs right ? =) I might not be seeing a "spread legs" pose, but it really does look like a 4-legged duck to me and I just had to point that out xD
I've already noticed that some bugs start to appear if the game is running under 60FPS which I did not run into while working on the game. The only solution to this currently is to use the standalone version (windows, mac, etc..) since it generally has a better performance. I know this defies the point of "web games". However, I will consider switching the game engine or using a physics engine for the next games. Thanks!
Thanks for your kind words! I must say that people usually look at the final result, be it a song, video, or a game, and usually forget all the time and effort put in production. This time isn't only the period in which the project was made, but rather the years behind it spent in learning and growing up as a person. You may not be able to make such a project today; it's like entering a race without learning to drive. However, it isn't impossible to get there. One step at a time and you won't even see the beginning of the road. Keep learning!
Finished the game (with system performance tuned to run a little quicker) and everything went smoothly.
I think I cheesed a few levels, since there were a few where I didn't use half of what the level provided for mechanics/obstacles. It was a little confusing sometimes when buttons might toggle, or be single-use, or toggle by alternately pressing different buttons - but that wasn't so bad once I realized that buttons might work differently. If there was a difference between the buttons (other than the larger buttons needing both characters to trigger), I wasn't observant enough to notice it.
Overall though, a fun little puzzle platformer game with enough variety in puzzles to not feel repetitive.
Neat puzzle game, and I love the simple aesthetics. My only complaint would be that the jumping motion happens too fast to be able to pause at the right time. Also, an option bind pause to something else would be nice, since my brain is used to pressing space for jump.
Also, I don't know if this was intentional, but some of the puzzles can be solved by jumping out of the bounds and back in, like on level 6. Maybe that's an alternate solution but it feels pretty cheesy. Edit: To clarify, it seems based on the sc that lvl 6 is meant to be completed by dropping one character down the platform and pausing, and using that char as a platform for the other. However, I solved it by slipping out of bounds to travel down a platform with both characters. I think other levels can be cheesed this way too.
I don't mean to sound too harsh, I really like this game.
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate your kind words. You didn't sound harsh at all by the way.
I had changed the gravity multiple times now to get the right speed but in all went in vain, and before I realized it, I've already made most of the levels. Changing it then would break existing levels or make them too easy, so I decided to leave it as it is.
A lot of people have actually complained about using the 'spacebar' for jumping, so I may consider changing the keymapping later. If that's a big deal for you, you can alternatively use 'Z' and 'X' if you are using arrow keys for movement, or 'B' and 'N' if you are using 'WASD'.
I could easily add invisible walls around level boundaries, but I figured out that some people may struggle sometimes, and thus I didn't want to overcomplicate it by forcing them to solve it a certain way. I'm aware of level 6 and others. In fact, some levels do have invisible walls and collisions to prevent you from doing certain actions.
Played for a minute. Died 8 times in level one because either the rabbit fell through the floor after landing or the duck fell through the floor right after spawning. Finally beat level 1. Not going to even try a second level.
I'm sorry about the frustration you had to go through, but I thought I made it clear that the rabbit double jump and the duck can glide (fall slower). If you mean there is a problem with collisions and they literally just go through the ground, I haven't had any similar bugs while testing the game myself. Did it lag or run slower when the problem happened? Can you possibly send a screenshot? You can try the windows/mac build or a different browser. Sorry to hear that you had problems. Thank you for taking the time to try the game!
Edit: My bad! I've fixed a bug that may have resulted in the mentioned bug. Ironically, it could only happen in certain levels including the first.
Sorry if that wasn't clear. I wasn't complaining about the controls. It did take me a bit to understand about the glide, but that was because it was several retries before I could even jump with the duck. I was talking about a collision bug.
I went back and recorded a demo of it - I hoped I could find some sort of pattern to it, but I couldn't. If there's any way I can help debug this, let me know and I'll see what I can do - but I don't see a reliable reproduce yet - aside from, in my case, playing the game. You'll see here several attempts, of which only one actually works (and I deliberately jumped the duck into the pit on that one to try again to confirm that the next attempt failed).
Pardon the low quality, I don't screen record a lot of area captures like this, and didn't want to spend time trying to figure out the settings.
Running Chrome under Windows 11 if that helps/matters.
As I suspected, it's because the game is running on low FPS. I didn't use a physics engine for the game, but rather made a simple AABB collisions instead (checking if the rectangles intersect). What happens is that since the framerate is low, the time difference between each two frames becomes large and subsequently the character moves a bigger distance each frame compared to someone playing to 60 FPS. I thought I would fix it before by limiting the minimum FPS to 20FPS (the game will just hang if you are playing at lower than 20FPS). For now, you can play the desktop version if you want. If not, fortunately fixing this is a matter of changing some numbers really and I will look into it later. Thank you for taking the time to record the video. I really appreciate it. Have a nice day!
PS: Nowadays, Edge runs faster than chrome and uses less ram. Besides having to change the search engine, I had no problem switching the browser at all. Maybe you should try playing it on Edge instead.
Alright, maybe I'll give it shot on Edge later then, to see if it runs better there, thanks.
I have considered switching to Edge since it's supposed to be much better on battery life too - but since I use a Macbook, a Linux desktop, a Windows laptop and an Android phone and like to have bookmark/history/etc sharing, Edge has been a tough sell. Somebody really needs to standardize some browser profile protocol that you can sync to arbitrary cloud storage.
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dude i got 6;12
Glitches make the game even better (and not that I'm absolutely lazy to fix)
You don't need to press the button in Back and Forth. Not sure if it's intentional, but it's still a really cool skip.
That will be useful in case someone decide to speedrun the game, not that I'm sure why would anybody do that... Interesting to know though. Thanks!
This game is so adorable, really enjoyed it
I rarely post but I really like your stuff :)
You are welcome ;)
Really good! But I’m not sure if jumping and pausing on top of each other quickly is really a feature or an exploit haha
I didn't intend for that to happen but if it doesn't spoil the fun, then sure why not. *It's definitely not that I'm too lazy to fix it 😅*
Haha, I got ya! Really good game still, love the graphics
Since there's no roof to the level (as evidenced in the image), I'm pretty sure you can climb forever, and since you can move sideways (as evidenced by other image), I'm pretty sure you can get around the walls in the levels that have them, along with the killboxes in every level, though doing it blind would be pretty tricky.

very clever.... it remains me escape goat
Cool game
Fun little game. I'm not going to post my time, because it's pretty embarrassing, but I did manage to finish. I just seemed to always pause at the wrong moment :)
That's totally fine. I must admit that timing in the game could use some improvements, so it's partially my fault. I think the reason why it's this way is because I have played the game a lot to test and became so good at the current controls, gravity, speed, etc...
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I'm sorry I only played for a few minutes while passing by, because I thought the art was cute! Though, I just had to comment to ask you this : you do know that ducks have 2 legs right ? =) I might not be seeing a "spread legs" pose, but it really does look like a 4-legged duck to me and I just had to point that out xD
Wait... Ducks have only 2 legs?
Nope, nevermind :)
Proof is in the pudding
wait, that's illegal!
Cute one, love it
This game is good
I can't play this game in the browser. What is the solution?
I already solved the problem
how? I can't figure it out
this game has great potential but there is an extremely frustrating bad collision detection in this game
I've already noticed that some bugs start to appear if the game is running under 60FPS which I did not run into while working on the game. The only solution to this currently is to use the standalone version (windows, mac, etc..) since it generally has a better performance. I know this defies the point of "web games". However, I will consider switching the game engine or using a physics engine for the next games. Thanks!
Paused Walkthrough
Thanks for the video!
Nice work! Was short and sweet!
beat the game in 9:11
better not tell the new yorkers that
by abusing the grace jump feature
idk if it's intentional, but there's a strategy where if you stack the two characters, then switch and QUICKLY jump, you can reach any height.
Not intentional. I can easily fix but I figured out that it will only make the game a bit more fun.
Not because I'm lazy of course. Well, maybe a little!
Nice simple puzzle. I love this kind of puzzle that it isn't too much hard so everyone can solve. Hope more levels to come.
Thanks! I might consider adding more mechanics and levels to the game in the future ;)
Cool idea!
Thanks for the video! I hope you enjoyed the game ;)
Amazing game Hamdy! So excited to see your future ideas and looking forward to working with you again :)
Thanks! Looking forward to collaborating with awesome people like you in the future!
used my second playthrough to do an admittedly sloppy speedrun.
Well played!
the climbing up and climbing down levels have a pretty obvious shortcut as the rabbit is a bit more agile than seems to be intended
Well, yes, it's intended for those who want to win the game as fast as possible and because I was out of ideas.
did someone say speedrun?
Really fun game :D Would have been nice if buttons were different colours based on whether they were toggle or hold tho.
Fun game!
Uhh. There is a game breaking glitch. Click space then w really fast and you can jump in air onto other character. Cheezes like every level
I can easily fix it by changing the order of operations but unfortunately I'm 158km away from my laptop right now.
It's a feature.
Its not a bug... its a feature XD
Love your game. I wish I could come up with such creative games.
Thanks for your kind words! I must say that people usually look at the final result, be it a song, video, or a game, and usually forget all the time and effort put in production. This time isn't only the period in which the project was made, but rather the years behind it spent in learning and growing up as a person. You may not be able to make such a project today; it's like entering a race without learning to drive. However, it isn't impossible to get there. One step at a time and you won't even see the beginning of the road. Keep learning!
litterally coping rn 😔✊
Great game with wonderful mechanics. I love the cute art style and the self-aware text.
Thank you!
i like it but as others have said the characters fall through sometimes
I apologize for any bugs that you may have run through; I will look into this bug later. Thank you!
Finished the game (with system performance tuned to run a little quicker) and everything went smoothly.
I think I cheesed a few levels, since there were a few where I didn't use half of what the level provided for mechanics/obstacles. It was a little confusing sometimes when buttons might toggle, or be single-use, or toggle by alternately pressing different buttons - but that wasn't so bad once I realized that buttons might work differently. If there was a difference between the buttons (other than the larger buttons needing both characters to trigger), I wasn't observant enough to notice it.
Overall though, a fun little puzzle platformer game with enough variety in puzzles to not feel repetitive.
Thanks! You are right, I should have used different color or some indicators to differentiate between buttons. Thanks for the feedback!
Very creative puzzle!
The art is positively cheerful, and I love that some of the puzzles have more than one solution.
I'm glad you liked it!
Neat puzzle game, and I love the simple aesthetics. My only complaint would be that the jumping motion happens too fast to be able to pause at the right time. Also, an option bind pause to something else would be nice, since my brain is used to pressing space for jump.
Also, I don't know if this was intentional, but some of the puzzles can be solved by jumping out of the bounds and back in, like on level 6. Maybe that's an alternate solution but it feels pretty cheesy.
Edit: To clarify, it seems based on the sc that lvl 6 is meant to be completed by dropping one character down the platform and pausing, and using that char as a platform for the other. However, I solved it by slipping out of bounds to travel down a platform with both characters. I think other levels can be cheesed this way too.
I don't mean to sound too harsh, I really like this game.
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate your kind words. You didn't sound harsh at all by the way.
I had changed the gravity multiple times now to get the right speed but in all went in vain, and before I realized it, I've already made most of the levels. Changing it then would break existing levels or make them too easy, so I decided to leave it as it is.
A lot of people have actually complained about using the 'spacebar' for jumping, so I may consider changing the keymapping later. If that's a big deal for you, you can alternatively use 'Z' and 'X' if you are using arrow keys for movement, or 'B' and 'N' if you are using 'WASD'.
I could easily add invisible walls around level boundaries, but I figured out that some people may struggle sometimes, and thus I didn't want to overcomplicate it by forcing them to solve it a certain way. I'm aware of level 6 and others. In fact, some levels do have invisible walls and collisions to prevent you from doing certain actions.
Sorry if the message is too long.
Take care!
Played for a minute. Died 8 times in level one because either the rabbit fell through the floor after landing or the duck fell through the floor right after spawning. Finally beat level 1. Not going to even try a second level.
I'm sorry about the frustration you had to go through, but I thought I made it clear that the rabbit double jump and the duck can glide (fall slower). If you mean there is a problem with collisions and they literally just go through the ground, I haven't had any similar bugs while testing the game myself. Did it lag or run slower when the problem happened? Can you possibly send a screenshot? You can try the windows/mac build or a different browser.
Sorry to hear that you had problems. Thank you for taking the time to try the game!
Edit: My bad! I've fixed a bug that may have resulted in the mentioned bug. Ironically, it could only happen in certain levels including the first.
Sorry if that wasn't clear. I wasn't complaining about the controls. It did take me a bit to understand about the glide, but that was because it was several retries before I could even jump with the duck. I was talking about a collision bug.
I went back and recorded a demo of it - I hoped I could find some sort of pattern to it, but I couldn't. If there's any way I can help debug this, let me know and I'll see what I can do - but I don't see a reliable reproduce yet - aside from, in my case, playing the game. You'll see here several attempts, of which only one actually works (and I deliberately jumped the duck into the pit on that one to try again to confirm that the next attempt failed).
Pardon the low quality, I don't screen record a lot of area captures like this, and didn't want to spend time trying to figure out the settings.
Running Chrome under Windows 11 if that helps/matters.
As I suspected, it's because the game is running on low FPS. I didn't use a physics engine for the game, but rather made a simple AABB collisions instead (checking if the rectangles intersect). What happens is that since the framerate is low, the time difference between each two frames becomes large and subsequently the character moves a bigger distance each frame compared to someone playing to 60 FPS. I thought I would fix it before by limiting the minimum FPS to 20FPS (the game will just hang if you are playing at lower than 20FPS). For now, you can play the desktop version if you want. If not, fortunately fixing this is a matter of changing some numbers really and I will look into it later. Thank you for taking the time to record the video. I really appreciate it. Have a nice day!
PS: Nowadays, Edge runs faster than chrome and uses less ram. Besides having to change the search engine, I had no problem switching the browser at all. Maybe you should try playing it on Edge instead.
Alright, maybe I'll give it shot on Edge later then, to see if it runs better there, thanks.
I have considered switching to Edge since it's supposed to be much better on battery life too - but since I use a Macbook, a Linux desktop, a Windows laptop and an Android phone and like to have bookmark/history/etc sharing, Edge has been a tough sell. Somebody really needs to standardize some browser profile protocol that you can sync to arbitrary cloud storage.